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Speaking of which, Su Daji turned a supercilious look at the sky.

She said it was God who told her to keep a secret, and she still endured the guilt and lied to her sister, thinking of supporting her sister, but God showed up on her own initiative.
It really gave her a feeling that she had something to say.
After hearing Su Daji’s words, Su Ningxiang became more alert and looked at the sky. "What is your real identity?"
After asking, Su Ningxiang also said sternly, "Don’t say it’s my sister’s teacher. I mean, what’s your name? Where on earth did you come from? "
Su Ningxiang looks a little soft on weekdays, but in fact, the family style of Hou Su’s daughter-in-law in Jizhou is edified, and Su Ningxiang’s key can be hard at all times.
Tianxiao smiled and opened his mouth, "I won’t tell you."
"If you want to call me, you can call me teacher with your sister."
Say that finish day primly look at Su Daji "da ji come with me".
Su Daji stood up for a few seconds and said to Su Ningxiang, "Sister, the teacher will teach me to play with you when I come back today."
The sky is not ready to teach her in Sue’s house, and she is very curious at this time where the sky will take her.
Da ji always believed in his intuition because he didn’t feel malice from heaven, and Su Daji was not afraid to follow heaven.
After talking to his sister, Su Daji went to heaven.
Su Ningxiang quickly told da ji that "I can’t go with you."
How can she trust her sister to be alone with a stranger?
"All right, then!"
The day is no opinion.
Two sisters, Su Daji and Su Ningxiang, came over and the day after tomorrow prompted the Yuan God, Heilian Shenguang, to cover them and then shuttled with them.
The two sisters, Su Daji and Su Ningxiang, felt that the scene before them was blurred, and then the two of them appeared in a wilderness.
Is it a distraction?
Sue NingXiang eyebrows a dark lining in my heart.
She took a careful look at the day and gently moved her feet to test if it was a smoke screen, they were actually in Su Daji’s room
The floor in the room is completely different from that in the wild mountains.
Outside the three-person wooden house in Nezha, I am eager to see the sky.
When the two sisters, Su Daji, came over, Alien and Feitianzai looked straight in the eyes. On the contrary, Nezha was quite vocal. "Didn’t you say there was a girl? What has become two girls now?"
At this stage, Nezha has seen girls who are soft and weak. In his mind, girls are synonymous with trouble.
Tian laughed. "I’m going to teach you, but you still have two brothers."
"da ji also has a sister."
"If you are willing to learn what I teach, I won’t force it if you are not willing."
In the past few days, I have been looking for trouble, and I have been addicted to being a good teacher. If the students fail to live up to their expectations, they will not insist.
He once accepted Bai Lianhua as an apprentice, but he actually gave Bai Lianhua a chance and a relatively good environment to really teach Bai Lianhua that he was a giant scorpion who helped protect the four laws.
Several students have expressed their desire to study hard.
Days after speaking, I found a piece of land to conjure up several sets of tables and chairs and several sets of paper books, and gave each of the students a set.
"It’s not a simple thing to tie a horse with a will. Today I’ll teach you to recite the Heart Sutra first."
Although Heaven once turned against Buddhism and became an enemy of Tathagata Buddha, others were once Buddhist monks and Guanyin Bodhisattva was his good friend, and he naturally would not reject Buddhism.
It’s not small when Buddhism suppresses the rage of ordinary people.
Nezha and others have never heard of the Heart Sutra and don’t know what it is. As soon as they hear that they will be taught to read it, they all show great interest.
"Seeing the Bodhisattva’s deep Prajna paramita for a long time, you can see that all the five aggregates are the same, and the color of the bitter relic is the same, that is, the color is the same, and the relic is the same, and the dharma is not born, not destroyed, not dirty, not pure, not increasing or decreasing, so the color is the eye, the ear, the nose, the tongue, the body, the body, the taste, the touch and the touch, and the vision is the consciousness-"
Before listening, Nezha was naturally curious.
But now when I hear the Heart Sutra, Nezha is not interested. "What’s wrong with this kind of incomprehensible scripture?"
After Journey to the West, the world’s Buddhism is prosperous. People who don’t believe in Buddhism have also heard of Buddhism, but there is not even a shadow of Buddhism in this world.


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