In fact, if Pei Wende can really turn his idea of "Buddhism and Taoism practice together" into a repeatable road, then he is no different from those founding masters.
This is not only clear to Pei Wende, but also to Xiaoqing.
"PSST …"
Seeing that Pei Wende has a mind to tease himself, Xiaoqing doesn’t want to say anything more, and she has become that three-foot snake again.
"Are you going to pretend that you can’t talk again?"
With a wry smile, she looks down again. Xiaoqing Peiwende always temporarily "forgets" the fact that she can talk when she finds that the other party doesn’t want to communicate.
"Don’t forget that I have become an eye of heaven now."
"I can see that you have refined your bones and opened your throat. You just don’t want to talk to me."
Lazily vomitted to stick out the snake letter Xiaoqing is like not hearing Pei Wende’s words, holding your head high and gesturing for the other party to squat down.
"Know know …"
Skillfully held out his hand and let Xiaoqing climb his body. Pei Wende smiled and didn’t forget his previous promise.
"I owe you that big meal. It’s estimated that it will take a while. I should go to the mountain again today."
So small muttered PeiWenDe again looking to the day.
At this moment, the residual ghost cloud yin qi in the sky has completely disappeared, leaving the statue of black dragon iron method still in the clouds, telling the story of the battle that just happened.
It’s a good thing that ferocious black dragon is Pei Wende Yuan Shen after all.
Pei Wende did not hesitate to dive directly from the sky when he read the ferocious black dragon.
In a second, the huge black dragon got into Pei Wende’s top of the skull and completely returned to the purple mansion that gave birth to Dantian.
"Now there is the iron method."
Pei Wende breathed a long sigh of relief and immediately turned his attention to the "time" that kept shuttling in the sky.
"My thinking is right …"
"But what should I do with this little thing?"
Even though Pei Wende has completely given up the control of Tiefa, he still shows amazing autonomy and combat effectiveness with his extraordinary spirituality.
To tell the truth, Pei Wende’s iron method can deal with that kind of witchcraft curse, which is already its limit.
But it turns out that Pei Wende still despises this "weapon" forged by himself after all.
Because even the Yin god method that level of iron method can also rely on its own particularity to a certain extent about the trend of the war.
The most important thing is that Pei Wende has no mind to manipulate it in this process.
This is completely different from the original need for distraction.
This means that Pei Wende, the first person to learn magic-Hundred Steps Flying Sword, finally got rid of the "cumbersome" position at this moment and rose with him by leaps and bounds again.
[speaking, this is already an’ automated combat weapon’, right? 】
The idea flashed through my mind.
Pei Wende looked at the iron method that was still flying in the sky, but he was thinking about how to carry such a spiritual "biological weapon" with him.
It’s definitely not possible to carry around like a compound bow or dogleg knife because it’s too eye-catching and ostentatious.
For the same reason, it is definitely not good to let Tiefa fly with himself all the time like a real bug, which will attract too much unnecessary attention.
【 You should carry it with you to cultivate spirituality and hide it as a killer … 】
After thinking for a moment, Pei Wende’s eyes suddenly flashed a bit like something.
That is, in this moment, the iron method flashed across a beautiful arc and then rushed straight to Pei Wende’s current position.
Then see Pei Wende suddenly opened his mouth and swallowed the iron method in one bite.
-daoist magic, hidden in the body!
Chapter 31 I never wanted to be a monk
Time flies and it’s dusk in a blink of an eye.
The path leading to Zhangjiacun Township bears recurve bow, and Pei Wende is wearing a dog-leg knife. He doesn’t see any fatigue in a relaxed walk.
On the contrary, Zhang Tu, who is more muscular behind him, is panting after a day of tossing.
"Old after all …"
See Zhang Tu gasping for air while looking at the front still calm PeiWende sincerely regrets a.
Although Zhang Tu couldn’t be so calm as Pei Wende when he was still young, he would never be so tired and panting as he is now.
"Uncle Zhang, you haven’t exercised for a long time."
Hear behind Zhang tuyin peiwende smiled and turned to rush each other and said
Because Pei Wende is telling the truth, even though Zhang Tu is just in his early thirties in this short life expectancy era, he is still in his prime.
"I’m old. I’m not young now."
In the face of Pei Wende poking fun at Zhang Tu, he smiled.
"I’ve lived enough in my life, and now I’m counting on Chu Sheng and Xiao Mei to be a little productive. It’s a pity in my life."
As soon as this statement came out, I was curious about why Zhang Tu was so frank and left Zhang Chusheng at Tongqing Temple. Pei Wende was quite curious and asked.
"Speaking of this uncle Zhang, how can you agree to let Chu Sheng stay in Tongqing Temple?"
Here Pei Wende seems to be afraid that Zhang Tu doesn’t understand why he would ask so lightly and continues to explain.
"Although my master doesn’t have any requirements on whether his younger brother will become a monk …"
"Even the commandments don’t require my brothers to obey them …"
"But Tongqing Temple is a temple after all. Isn’t it a little thoughtless for you to agree to let him stay in the temple so readily?"
Even if Xiaoqing really wants a specific practice method, Pei Wende can now be some ideas.
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一、按摩种类 1. 中医按摩:以中医理论为基础,运用手法按摩,达到疏通经络、调和气血、缓解疲劳、增强免疫力的目的。 2. 足疗:通过对足部穴位进行按摩,调节人体内分泌,改善血液循环,缓解身心疲劳。 3. 美容按摩:结合美容护肤理念,运用手法按摩,改善肌肤状态,延缓衰老。 4. 热石按摩:利用加热后的石头按摩,促进血液循环,缓解肌肉紧张,具有舒缓压力的作用。 5. 香薰按摩:将香薰精油与按摩相结合,通过香气的作用,达到舒缓身心、改善睡眠的效果。 二、按摩场所推荐 1. 红蜻蜓按摩馆:位于徐汇区,环境优雅,服务周到,按摩手法专业,深受消费者喜爱。 2. 金韵足疗馆:位于黄浦区,拥有专业的足疗师团队,提供高品质的足疗服务。 3. 紫竹院养生馆:位于海淀区,集中医按摩、足疗、美容按摩等多种服务于一体,是一家综合性养生馆。 4. 美容美体SPA馆:位于静安区,环境舒适,提供美容按摩、香薰按摩等多种服务。 5. 热石按摩馆:位于杨浦区,采用专业热石按摩设备,为您带来独特的按摩体验。 三、注意事项 1. 按摩前需了解自身身体状况,如有高血压、心脏病等疾病,请提前告知按摩师。 2. 按摩过程中,保持放松,避免紧张,以便更好地享受按摩效果。 3. 按摩后,适当饮用温水,帮助身体排出毒素。 4. 按摩后不宜立即洗澡,以免影响按摩效果。 5. 定期按摩,保持良好的身心状态。 总之,《2020上海按摩指南》为您介绍了上海按摩行业的各种按摩种类、按摩场所及注意事项。希望这篇文章能帮助您找到适合自己的按摩服务,享受健康、舒适的生活。
走进汤泉馆,一股热气扑面而来,让人瞬间感受到放松。这里的设施非常齐全,设有多个泡汤池,每个池子都有不同的温度,让人可以根据自己的需求选择。此外,还有干湿两个桑拿房,以及20-30个带浴帘的淋浴间,方便顾客在泡汤后进行冲洗。 在泡汤的过程中,我选择了温度适中的池子,感受着热气蒸腾,疲惫的身体仿佛得到了舒展。泡完汤后,我来到了按摩区。这里的按摩师手法娴熟,他们根据我的需求,为我进行了一次全身按摩。按摩过程中,按摩师的手法温柔而有力,让我在放松的同时,身体得到了彻底的放松。 按摩结束后,我又来到了汤泉馆的洗漱区。这里的洗漱设施非常完善,提供了戴森吹风机以及大牌护肤品、化妆品。在洗漱区,我还发现了一个特别的地方——梳妆区。梳妆区内摆放着各种护肤品和化妆品,让人在泡汤按摩后,还能进行简单的面部护理。 在享受完这些服务后,我来到了汤泉馆的休息区。这里的休息区环境优雅,设有舒适的沙发和茶几,顾客可以在这里休息、聊天,或者品尝一下这里的茶点。 这次上海汤泉养生按摩体验让我感受到了前所未有的放松。在繁忙的工作之余,给自己一段安静的时光,享受这份来自大自然的馈赠,真是再美好不过了。 在汤泉馆,我不仅体验到了专业的按摩服务,还感受到了这里独特的人文气息。这里的员工态度亲切,服务周到,让人仿佛置身于一个温馨的家庭。此外,汤泉馆的环境也非常优美,每个角落都充满了生机与活力。 值得一提的是,这次体验让我对中医养生有了更深的认识。中医养生强调的是整体性和系统性,而汤泉养生按摩正是这种理念的体现。通过泡汤、按摩等方式,可以调节人体生理、心理状况,从而达到预防疾病、增进健康的目的。 总之,这次上海汤泉养生按摩体验让我收获颇丰。在今后的生活中,我将继续关注养生,为自己的健康保驾护航。而上海汤泉馆,无疑将成为我放松身心、享受生活的好去处。