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Look at this small fire spirit posture and some can’t see the essence and spirit of Baiyun Tower.

Bai Yun Lou Nai smiled at the two pool sisters and said, "Please, the two pool sisters each play a spirit and spirit, so that the fire spirit pool sisters can choose."
Xia Chaoyang is looking at the deity in a novel way. I didn’t expect that I could help him. Suddenly, I was in a great mood. According to the senior brother’s teaching method, I definitely played a wisp of thick essence and a spirit.
Oriental pool also played out a wisp of essence and a spirit to slowly send a small fire spirit in front.
It’s as if I smelled a delicious little fire spirit, grabbed the essence of Xia Chaoyang, and then took the spirit of Oriental Purple Yan and swallowed it.
For a moment, the shenhuo churned out the residual energy.
A girl of five or six years old appeared in Daqingyu, where Shenhuo gradually converged.
Long pink carved jade Zhuo holding two small bun eyebrows, a fiery red flame mark, wearing an orange gauze dress, one side of which is hung with a bulging pocket, and the pink treasure pocket skirt shows two smooth little feet.
Zhao-yang Xia couldn’t help exclaiming, "What a lovely little sister!" She said that she was going to hug.
Baiyunlou grabbed the younger sister’s path. "This is not a little sister. Let’s call it Fire Master … Sister."
Just talking, the little fire spirit opened his eyes, and the two flames gradually converged to reveal a pair of sparkling big eyes, which were sparkly and curiously looking at everyone.
The little fire spirit first looked at the east, and Ziyan’s face overflowed with laughter, and she couldn’t hear the words clearly as she babbled.
After saying a few words, he crawled from the big sapphire. Just taxiing action was still awkward. Zhao-yang Xia hurriedly held it before.
Sensing the movement around him, the little fire spirit turned to look at Xia Chaoyang’s small nose and sniffed it as if it smelled the familiar smell, so it was clever for Xia Chaoyang to pick it up.
Xia Chaoyang hugged the little fire spirit and quickly put it on the ground and said, "It’s hot and hot."
Aside to clear the pool, the senior sister whispered, "Little sister’s body and mind are both seriously damaged. The method of Shenhuo breath completely gathers all the body heat. If boiling water overflows and spreads, it is not as simple as boiling."
Hearing familiar words, the little fire spirit turned his head.
Look at the water mark on the eyebrows of Qingchi. The little head cocked up its eyebrows and wrinkled slightly, as if remembering a long dusty memory. After a long time, Nuonuo shouted "Sister".
Elder martial sister Qingchi suddenly developed a silky dress with eyebrows and stepped forward to pull up a small fire spirit. Her little hand was crisp and she replied "Alas, little sister".
And a small fire spirit to read a touch clear pool immediately completely perceive the little sister’s situation is not at ease.
After a moment’s reflection, I said to everyone, "Little sister will be reborn if she is reshaped. After you don’t call her Sister, you can call her Sister Huolinger."
Fire shine with big eyes, curious, listening to what my sister said, seemed to think, mumbling, "After the fire shine, I … called fire shine my sister’s name …"
I thought about the fire shine with a frown, but I couldn’t remember my sister’s name ten thousand years ago.
Qingchi stroked the small head of the fire shine and said softly, "Sister’s name has dissipated, and now the God Qingchi"
"Sister Qingchi" shouted Fire Shine Crispy.
Clear pool should be one, and then raise my hand to catch a piece of cloud condensed into a circle of light blue belt and gently beam the small waist of fire shine.
Some fondly tunnel "has this Xuan Bing belt to tie the fire gas overflow problem for the time being."
Looking around at Huolinger, curious, watching Qingchi, I can’t help sighing that my little sister is still as active as before. She said to Sister Xia, "If Chaoyang Huolinger is active by nature, why don’t you show her around the world?"
Xia Chaoyang loved this little sister so much that she happily promised to reach out and lead the fire shine.
Hesitated for a while, it will be hotter than I didn’t expect the elder sister of Qingchi to produce Xuan Bing belt. This little hand is a little warm and half hot.
Le Xia Chaoyang picked up the fire shine and kneaded it for a while. Little White cheered and rushed to the sky to play in the land of fire shine.
Oriental Ziyan was a little uneasy and turned to recover from the distant crane’s royal sword after the teacher elder sister Qing Chi gave a gift lightly.
It’s reassuring to have a younger martial sister from the East following the Baiyun Tower. She turned to the younger martial sister from Qingchi and asked, "What’s wrong with the fire spirit?"
"It’s a good chance to be able to take shape now that my mind is broken and my body is almost exhausted." Qingchi mused slightly.
"Little sister, it’s true that every cloud has a silver lining’s remoulding her mind is out of the bondage of divine rules. Although she is weak now, she has no shackles, so she has the opportunity to understand higher laws."
"Divine rules? Is the protoss also limited by heaven? " Baiyun Lou asked doubtfully.
Qingchi said slowly, "That’s the natural avenue. Three thousand protoss are born with it. Avenue clan is the darling of heaven, but it’s hard to further understand the law of new avenue."
"I think Terrans have thousands of years’ qualifications, but they have limited transformation. It is necessary to understand the source of the Avenue, and one day they may be able to jump out of the world."
Chapter one hundred and twenty Fire-breathing Younger
Perhaps the fire shone out of the pool, and the elder martial sister Qing Chi rarely laughed, so she said a few more things about the divine world.
"The phases?"
Qingchi looked up at the empty light and said, "The gods are also surprised to be absolutely brilliant. Life and life have realized the laws of the three avenues, and they have made great progress and torn open the barriers with their bare hands."
"After the God King’s three punches broke the barrier and attracted the divine light to introduce the unknown domain, the protoss had a talk with all circles."
Looking out of the blue sky along the eyes of the senior sister seems to reflect the heavens and the earth, but looking down at the beautiful scenery of floating clouds and people is more real.
Baiyunlou couldn’t help but say, "If one day I have the magic to explore the various worlds, it is better to turn this world into a face."


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