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Wang Lei to tilting head to Lin Miao Shan way "I told you that your pattern is too small! It’s too short-sighted for you to think about killing a few people to avenge the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom. "

He smiled at himself. "I’m going to do something. Once we succeed …"
Wang Lei’s face sank, and he was as warm as jade. He suddenly gushed out the magic gas of murder, which made Lin Miaoshan deeply possessed and couldn’t help shivering.
Wang Leiyin gloomily Lin Miao Shan ears rang.
"I’ll kill a few people like Luo Luo Bingzhang, including their grandchildren …"
One mind becomes a Buddha, one mind becomes a demon, and the transformation between good and evil life and death can be so great.
The scene was a bunch of foreigners and Qing people. They didn’t hear the dialogue between Wang Lei and Lin Miao Shan, but there was a scene in which the two men played each other before, and the temperament and momentum of Wang Leichang were two extreme instantaneous transformations. These people were shocked by the eyes.
With that, Wang Lei turned his attention to the venue and was stunned by their previous actions. They returned to the soft feeling of being warm and jade.
"I’m sorry, Mr. Harper. My friend and Mr. Locke have some hatred. I just couldn’t help it, but I stopped them. Please continue …"
But after the previous scene, no one will ever think that this handsome young man was a "good man" who harmed people and animals.
Harper looked at Wang Lei and nodded. The two strong men in the corner of the previous meeting briefly met, although there were several interest fields in the eyes of all.
The total number of powerful people in the western world at the venue added up to more than sixteen, and everyone commented on them in their hearts.
Chapter one hundred and thirty-seven Life and death blend
"My god, is this person a devil or an angel? I was actually an enemy of such a person in the past?"
The Spanish governor trembled with fear on the sidelines. It was amazing that Lin Miaoshan had released the infernal gate before, but such an evil spirit as climbing out of the deepest hell was instantly restrained by Wang Lei. At that time, Wang Lei’s purest "life" force made the field give birth to a bunch of foreigners. He was an angel until his breath suddenly changed to another extreme and purest "death". Everyone woke up and realized that this man was far more horrible than that woman.
The two extreme instantaneous changes of a person’s temperament from being good at life to being evil at death left a clear impression on everyone on the scene that he would never forget.
All foreigners at the scene are talking in their hearts at this time.
"That woman in red feels like an evil spirit crawling out of hell. My emperor didn’t expect that the strength of some people in the world could be so terrible."
"But what’s more terrible is that she quickly stopped the man in white! The woman in red is an evil spirit from hell, and that man gives us the feeling that it is an abyss hell … I didn’t expect that there would be such a terrible person in the East. This man is not far away if he is not a strong man … "
Governor Harper’s suppression of twelve knights of the Round Table made a splash, but it was temporarily covered by the skirmish between Wang Lei and Lin Miao Shan.
Lin Miaoshan tried hard to get rid of the blockade, but she was dismayed to find that the other hand was constantly injecting absolute "life-giving" power into her back, firmly locking her body "dead" and in turn changing and contacting the nature of dead, forcibly turning life into death.
This kind of life-and-death transformation means alone makes Lin Miao Shan sigh.
Is a contact with Lin Miaoshan knew that this man don’t let go, she absolutely has no chance.
Then she slowly calmed down, and at this moment, Hong Renxuan’s face was full of shock. Looking at Wang Lei’s body trembling slightly, she seemed to be frightened by Wang Lei’s words.
Lin Miaoshan couldn’t help looking at Hong Renxuan. "Do you understand?"
Hong Renxuan swallowed saliva and nodded. "I have listened to all the lessons that Brother Wang gave us during this period. The more I listened to them, the more afraid I became … Rebelling according to his ideas is not a revolution. When the time comes, it is really not a Luo Bingzhang, but millions of people like Luo Bingzhang. Do you remember what he said at that time? Kill all the gentry and get a blank sheet of paper."
Hear some words Lin Miao Shan immediately froze.
"Let’s welcome the representative of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, Hong Renxuan." At this time, Governor Harper shouted the name of Hong Renxuan and went to the meeting immediately.
The peace talk chaired by Harper will be held soon.
"Our claim for autonomy in Zhejiang and Jiangsu Huai autonomous regions can be accepted as belonging to the Qing Dynasty, but the Qing Dynasty did not interfere with our autonomy."
Hong Renxuan made a request to Luo Bingzhang for the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom.
"Hum, you are wishful thinking. You hairy thieves have committed heinous crimes and disobeyed the royal saint. It is extrajudicial for you to agree to give you a way to repent and turn over a new leaf. Don’t be ungrateful." Luo Bingzhang said coldly with a sullen face.
"Hong thief officer told the Queen Mother that you hope you will cherish this opportunity-you can let bygones be bygones before your crimes, but the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom must dissolve all your thieves and soldiers and return to their hometown. The Queen Mother has been so kind, and you should be grateful for tears."
Luo Bingzhang said the conditions of the Qing court and looked at Hong Renxuan with a generous expression.
"Luo Bingzhang, you Manchu are really wishful thinking. The defeated troops will dare to make such absurd conditions. Do you have any sincerity in negotiations?" Hong Renxuan fumed that the defeated party dared to say that the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom was dissolved. These people are really used to arrogance.
"The battle is a common occurrence for military strategists. You just won a small victory this time, which is comparable to the victory of Shida against Ceng Wenzheng? Even in those days, the invincible Shida was an official who personally ordered the execution. The situation is now the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom. "Luo Bingzhang sneered.
Hong Renxuan’s anger and death can be described as the pain in the hearts of the soldiers and civilians of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom. It is simply abhorrent that Luo Bingzhang should take it out and threaten himself.
"Then what are we talking about? It seems that we and the Qing court have not reached a common understanding of the current situation. Let’s call it a day."
Hong Renxuan took a deep breath and choked back his anger. "Goodbye!"
Then the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom and his party got up and left the meeting directly.
Luo Bingzhang also to outdo cold hum a left.
Governor Harper watched the two sides leave, but smiled at the reporters and said, "Gentlemen, it seems that there is still a way to go for peace talks between the Qing Dynasty and the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom."
In the middle of the night, Wang Lei was thinking about the reform policy. Suddenly, the door rang outside.
"Come" Wang Lei eyes move to detect the breath outside was Lin Miao Shan wondering how she arrived at this time but still walked to the door.
It was Lin Miao Shan at the door, but she seemed a little odd and fidgety. This state has hardly been seen by Wang Lei since Lin Miaoshan returned from practicing hell tactic.
"I want to talk to you about something," Lin Miaoshan said coyly.
"Come in," Wang Lei smiled.
Lin Miaoshan came in and brought it into the door, by the way, and then looked up and looked directly at Wang Lei.
Wang Lei wondered if he was under illusion. He felt as if Lin Miaoshan’s eyes were a little shy.
"Today …" Wang Lei was about to say that Lin Miaoshan suddenly hugged himself with a fragrance like Wang Lei’s nostrils, which was tender in my heart.
Wang Lei was not expected to be directly pushed down by Lin Miao Shan. Lin Miao Shan’s beautiful eyes looked at Wang Lei’s eyes, and the spring was full. She immediately uncovered her buttons and leaned over Wang Leishen …


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