Scott came over in three or two steps and twisted Zhao’s curved ears with one hand. She had a strong hand and suppressed her breath today, so she never thought about the consequences.
Zhao curved instantaneous pain burst into tears.
Today’s update has arrived, thanks to the little angels for their comments and 90-degree bows.
The pace of writing is a little slow, and most of the parents are short, and the age setting of the female host is too small, but I believe I will grow up soon.
I saw someone asking me to wear a female match. She is an ordinary female match. Her personality is a little radical and she will make some mistakes. But believe me, the female host is the biggest golden finger. Hey, hey, the female host’s family will have a good love for you. Thank you, 22-9-22 16:53:3~22-9-23 16:35:2. I voted for the overlord ticket or irrigated nutrient solution angel ~
Thank you for throwing 39141 2 little angels;
Thank you for irrigating a bottle of nutrient solution, little angel Sasha;
Thank you very much for your support. I will continue to work hard!
Chapter 5 is a good big brother
Scott gritted his teeth and gasped and pulled people to the yard.
"You don’t want to give me, you eat, you wear and you work. What do you want to do? It’s against the sky."
Zhao curved sitting in the courtyard, clutching his ear and hurting, unable to speak.
Zhao Qingqing took Zhao light light blue hand to hide and dared not speak.
Zhao curved eyes don’t lose and gave Scott a stare.
Zhao has lived for half a generation in the family, and that’s a saying that one is the master. No one dares to stare at himself like this, and then he kicks it over with one foot.
Zhao Wanwan got this kick and then gnashed her teeth at Scott. "Do you believe I went to the battalion chief to report you for letting you go to jail and littering your children? I saw everything last night. This is the thing."
Scott is going to piss this dead girl off.
"Okay, you’re getting fat, aren’t you? Then sue. Let’s all go to jail." How dare a little girl fight with herself?
Zhao bends and shivers. She is hungry and weak, and the weather is cold. It is not enough for her to wear clothes.
Next to Zhao Qingqing, he slowly came over and whispered, "Elder sister, let’s go to work."
Zhao Wanwan couldn’t accept her fate to work in the past. She went to the chicken coop to see what was going on inside. I couldn’t wait for these chickens to die so that they wouldn’t be cleaned. I thought it was a good day for my generation to grow up. Where did I clean the chicken coop? I also did it with my nose in my memory.
Zhao Fangsong came back before noon. The chicken didn’t change. Don’t die there. The chicken was sent to the old man’s father-in-law and it went well. Still, he crustily skin of head pushed the door and came in.
Zhao’s room is sitting with the soles for his children.
"How about coming back?"
Zhao Fangsong put the bag on the ground.
"Don’t change the dead chicken at the Niang Sales Society."
Zhao doesn’t know what he has been unlucky recently. "Then go and find someone to see who needs us to secretly change."
Zhao Fangsong said yes as soon as he sighed. He looked at the chicken in his mother’s heartless bag and sipped his lips. He decided to confess himself, or he would have to make a noise later.
"Mom, let me tell you something."
Scott’s right eyelid jumped straight "you said"
"Mom, I met my father-in-law at the sales club today, and I gave him two chickens in my hand." Zhao Fangsong also breathed a sigh of relief, regardless of how he scolded himself. Listen, the chickens have been sent out anyway.
Scott really couldn’t sit still and threw the sole into the sewing basket. "Say if your daughter-in-law asked you to do it."
Zhao Fangsong will be able to squat at the door of the main room, afraid to speak and send them all away. It will be too late to say anything.
Scott himself scolded at the door of their house for a while and was tired and sat back in the hall.
"It’s killing me. Go and cook quickly."
Zhao Fangsong got up when he finally scolded, and his legs were numb for a long time when he squatted, but it was over and he quickly got into the kitchen.
Zhao Wanwan first cleaned the chicken coop and washed the clothes with cold water this afternoon. The whole person can hardly hold on. Look in the mirror. His ears are twisted and a little green. I heard Zhao Fangsong go to the kitchen to cook. She turned around. Isn’t there another chicken?
"Dad, you’re back."
Zhao wan was still lying on the table when Zhao pushed the door and came in.
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随着夜幕降临,上海这座繁华的国际大都市再次焕发出独特的魅力。近年来,上海的夜生活模式正经历一场前所未有的升级,科技与艺术的完美碰撞,为市民和游客带来了全新的视觉和感官体验。 首先,科技元素的融入为上海的夜生活注入了新的活力。从陆家嘴的东方明珠塔到外滩的灯光秀,科技与建筑艺术的结合,让夜上海成为了全球瞩目的焦点。东方明珠塔的灯光秀通过高科技手段,将传统与现代、东方与西方的元素完美融合,展现了上海这座城市的多元文化底蕴。而外滩的灯光秀则通过动态的灯光效果,将上海的历史变迁和未来愿景展现得淋漓尽致。 其次,艺术展览和活动的举办,让上海的夜生活更加丰富多彩。各大美术馆、画廊和剧院纷纷在夜间开放,为市民和游客提供了欣赏艺术、体验文化的场所。例如,上海当代艺术博物馆(PSA)的夜间开放日,吸引了众多艺术爱好者和年轻人前来参观。在这里,观众可以近距离感受艺术家的创作灵感和作品背后的故事。 此外,科技与艺术的结合还体现在各种创新活动中。例如,上海国际电影节的“夜影奇缘”活动,将电影与科技完美结合,让观众在欣赏电影的同时,体验高科技带来的视觉盛宴。此外,上海国际舞蹈节的“夜舞飞扬”活动,通过舞蹈表演和互动体验,让观众在夜晚感受艺术的魅力。 与此同时,上海的夜生活模式也在不断优化,以满足不同人群的需求。以酒吧和夜店为例,越来越多的场所开始注重环境氛围的营造,提供高品质的音乐、美酒和美食,成为年轻人社交、放松的好去处。同时,一些酒吧和夜店还引入了虚拟现实(VR)等高科技元素,让消费者在享受夜生活的同时,体验科技带来的新奇感受。 当然,上海的夜生活模式升级也离不开政府的大力支持。近年来,上海市政府积极推动夜经济的发展,出台了一系列扶持政策,鼓励各类文化、娱乐场所的创新发展。这些举措不仅为上海的夜生活注入了新的活力,也为城市经济的持续增长提供了有力支撑。 总之,上海夜生活模式的升级,是科技与艺术碰撞的产物。在这一过程中,上海不仅展现了其独特的城市魅力,也为全球夜生活模式的发展提供了新的思路。相信在不久的将来,上海的夜生活将更加精彩,成为全球瞩目的夜生活典范。