92 Bowery St New York, NY 10013



He knew Meng Xin was dissatisfied with his early arrival, even if it was late. This meal was almost forced by him to come to Meng Xin, and when Meng Xin saw him, he left his head behind. The dissatisfaction was so direct.

Gaoxiang instead of angry corners of the mouth slightly raised.
In the past "don’t have a car? Why don’t we carpool together? "
"You are not a rich second generation? Do you still need to carpool? " Meng Xin blurted out the gossip she got from Min Mengjie very directly. This is the first time that she acted very directly and didn’t like a person.
Say that finish Meng Xin next to move a few steps a pair of avoid.
Haha, do you hate Gaoxiang? Gaoxiang came here for a purpose, but I don’t know if this purpose can be finally realized. Let’s wait.
☆, 155 Gao Xiang identity
Gaoxiang reached for a car and turned to Meng Xin to confirm, "Meng Xin really doesn’t want to fight together?"
"No, thank you, Dean Gao," Meng Xin said coldly.
"Well, I’ll see you that day." Gaoxiang smiled and squinted at the car not far behind, and then reported the address to the master and closed her eyes.
Meng Xin didn’t wait long for Li Ziyu’s car to come. Meng Xinmen sat before Li Ziyu’s mouth, and his face was still bulging, and he was teased by people.
Come on, she promised Hengheng to have dinner with Hengheng, only to get to this chat table. You said that he had said something important in Gaoxiang, but it happened that it was all mandarin chat.
Even if she was fooled by him, she said that it was not a private dinner, but he was not a dean who knew the buttering-up layer and knew that she belonged to unity.
"What’s wrong with you?" Liziyu asked some carefully. It’s rare to see Meng Xin so unhappy. The surface is xinxin, but there are some expectations in my heart.
"Did you bring Hengheng back?" Don’t want to hate people Meng Xin asked Hengheng directly.
"Well, aunt Lu came back with Lei Bo." Liziyu actually didn’t want to bring Hengheng back, but this little girl also missed her mother and was clamoring to go home with him after dinner.
It is estimated that Meng Xin won’t go to bed until now.
"That’s good." Meng Xin nodded. It’s good to be back. Her class took Heng Heng to let him stay with Qi Xinglin at noon. Mother and son can also have dinner together.
"Don’t like the new dean?" Liziyu tried again to turn the topic around to what he wanted to know.
"Well, I don’t like it, but I hate it. What he said is that we doctors and nurses should ignore the people around us and treat the patients as the only ones. We are human beings, not gods, and we are not jumping out of the cracks in the stone. How is it possible? Besides, today, there is nothing big. Let’s just have dinner together and say that it is nothing nutritious. It really pisses me off."
So that she can’t get together with the children, can she not be angry with him? It happened that he was still the leader and everyone regarded him as a god. It was really drunk.
"My wife and husband are always here. If you can’t do it, don’t do it." Li Ziyu went to the former problem again. He really didn’t want Meng Xin to be a nurse.
Section 162
Even if she doesn’t want to go to Li’s to be his assistant, it’s better to learn a shop from Gu Lele than to be a nurse.
"Here we go again." Meng Xin pouted and wasn’t very happy. Although he was unhappy, he didn’t mean that he didn’t have to do it.
She is lucky to find such a rich husband to resign at any time, but what if she is not so lucky?
I’m looking for a very ordinary man, and when that man’s salary can’t support a family, she has to go out to work to earn money to help her. Do you still have this talent?
Unless it is time for her to leave, she will leave, not because she is unwilling.
"…" Liziyu suddenly hitched a so can’t let Meng Xin from he felt almost didn’t move.
When they got home, Hengheng had already finished taking a shower, so he still refused to sleep and sat in the living room without watching, waiting for Meng Xin to play chess with Grandpa Lei in the living room.
He jumped up when he heard the door ring. He hadn’t seen his mother for two or three days, but he was anxious.
"Mom, you’re finally back. Have a good dinner?" Heng Heng tackled Meng Xin arms and asked enthusiastically.
"Fortunately, it’s not very delicious." No matter how delicious it is, it’s better to go home and eat home-cooked food with Hengheng. This is Meng Xin’s idea. Looking at Hengheng’s cute little face, Meng Xin’s unhappiness vanished.
The situation is facing such a person who makes her feel sick.
"Mom, do you want to take a shower first? It’s too hot outside. "Hengheng helped Meng Xin take out his slippers.
"Yeah, I’ll take a shower and come out. You go to the room and wait for me. My horse will come in and tell you a story." Meng Xin nodded and agreed
At this time, Auntie Lu will bring out Hengheng’s milk before going to bed. "This young master doesn’t even drink milk until his mistress comes back."
"I’m sleepy after drinking milk, and I’m afraid I can’t wait for my mother." Hengheng’s mouth was wronged.
"Then drink quickly and brush your teeth after drinking." Meng Xin took the milk from Great Aunt Lu and handed it to Hengheng.
Hengheng took it and drank the milk, then returned the cup to Auntie Lu. "Thank you, Grandma Lu."
"You’re welcome, young master." Great aunt Lu went to the kitchen with a cup.
Meng Xin went back to her room to take a shower and went to Hengheng Room after taking a shower. Li Ziyu wanted to be alone in the room for a long time. He also hit the closet and prepared to take clothes for a shower when Gaoxiang called.
"How? Did Mrs. Shirley say that she hates me? " Yu Mengxin is very clear that he doesn’t like Gaoxiang.
Meng Xin didn’t expect Gao Xiang to be very good friends with her husband, but Gao Xiang went to the people’s hospital for a ride this time, just to help his friend achieve his wish, let his wife resign automatically and return to the family.
To tell the truth, when everyone is respectful to him, Meng Xin alone can grieve him if he doesn’t know in advance that she and Liziyu are really interested in this woman.
Before, he didn’t even figure out that a little nurse could confuse his friends who had always been totally honest. Now he has no doubts. Meng Xin really has such ability.
"Yes, but I won’t resign." Liziyu took off her clothes and her sexy figure suddenly appeared in the mirror.
"It’s almost impossible to kill Xiaoqiang, isn’t it?" Gaoxiang marveled that he had pushed so hard that this woman could still swallow it?
"What are you talking about?" Liziyu frowns that his wife is Cheng Xiaoqiang.
"Oh, oh, oh, yes, yes, I was wrong. How can Mrs Shirley be Xiaoqiang? Don’t worry, I will redouble my efforts to get her to resign voluntarily before your wedding. Of course, I’ll tell you the truth. Don’t feel bad when I zoom in. "Gaoxiang is over there, laughing.
"Well, I know. I’ll invite you to dinner another day." It’s really hard for Li Ziyu to let Meng Xin resign and go home.
"Forget it. I’m looking forward to Mrs. Shirley’s surprised expression when she saw me on her wedding day." Gaoxiang laughed when she thought of Meng Xin’s surprised expression at that moment.
"Before things succeed, let’s talk less." Liziyu sighed. At this moment, he was actually quite worried that Meng Xin would want to strangle him when he knew the truth.
"Then hang up," gaoxiang also readily give hang up the words directly.
As soon as Li Ziyu hung up, Meng Xin pushed the door and came in. Seeing his appearance, he was surprised and asked, "Haven’t you taken a shower yet?"
"Well, the horse went to wash Hengheng and fell asleep?" Then he will haunt Meng Xin for a while.
"Well, I was tired when I came back. I told him that I would take him to my grandparents’ house for dinner and he would fall asleep early." Meng Xin nodded, and she was also very tired. She climbed into bed and went to lie down directly.


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