92 Bowery St New York, NY 10013



Meng Xin’s taste, Meng Haidong, is calmer than telling her. He has tried this experience for so many years since he became a father. He has long been used to it.

At that moment, she suddenly felt sorry for her father, and now she feels sorry for herself.
"Of course I want to bring you a chocolate cake that you like best when you come back to eat." Meng Xin didn’t tell Qi Xinglin about Liziyu in words. Anyway, when she comes back, a little guy will definitely tell her.
"Are you? It’s still me, Hengheng Baby. Be good. Okay, then you go to bed early, and I’ll hang up first. "At the end of the last note, I’ll hang up neatly.
Section 77
Meng Xin conveniently put her mobile phone beside her and rubbed her clothes.
Just gently rub the new clothes together. Soon Meng Xin washed out two pots of new clothes. Fortunately, during the business transaction, Meng Xin bought several hangers when she saw the bargain. She was also told by Qi Xinglin that she could send a show today.
Meng Xin looked at her after hanging the clothes, and Jie was ashamed. They were so wide that the balcony was full of clothes and constant.
She took a shower later, and there was no place to hang her clothes.
It happened that the culprit also called at this time. When Meng Xin saw that there was no name, she pressed it for the first time. She usually didn’t leave a message number, and she usually didn’t answer it.
Soon the second bell rang again. Meng Xin was going to press the red hang-up button directly, but her finger suddenly changed direction and pressed the green answer button.
"Meng Xin is me. This is my new mobile phone number." Li Ziyu’s voice floated from there to Meng Xin’s ear, and she knew that she would definitely "I got home in an apartment near the company."
"Well, in fact, you don’t tell me so much about it. It’s good to get home." Meng Xin said awkwardly, looking up and looking at a full balcony dress. She really felt that the other person was so annoying.
Wouldn’t it be nice to say something like this by text? You have to make a phone call.
"…" I’m really getting impatient with him. Li Ziyu sighed, "When will you take a vacation this week? I have a week off. Can we talk alone one day this week?"
"I’m afraid I’m full this week. I’ll talk about it later. Didn’t you say you weren’t leaving anyway?" That doesn’t mean we can talk about it another day later. Anyway, she just doesn’t want to talk about anything this week.
"In this case, forget it. Let’s talk about it after listening to you." Liziyu compromised
"Well, goodbye then," Meng Xin said, and hung up and gave her mobile phone by the way.
In fact, she takes a day off on Thursday and the day after tomorrow, and then takes a night off on Thursday and Friday. She is equal to having a rest after work at 12 noon on Wednesday and going to the night shift later on Friday.
But she just doesn’t want to meet Liziyu alone. It’s okay to have a son today, but when they meet alone, she is actually not resisting but a little scared.
Although she doesn’t know what she is afraid of, she is probably afraid that she will be quite worthless when facing Liziyu alone.
Before going back to the room, Meng Xin went to the constant room to see him. As Meng Haidong said, the constant sleeping position was really not so good. He had long been kicked to the floor by him, and he fell asleep in a vest and underpants.
It seems that he didn’t tell him a story today, and he fell asleep himself. I guess he was too excited to lie in bed and was tired
Give righting to the villain’s crooked bed, and then cover him with cool clothes. Meng Xincai went back to his room to take a shower, and by the way, conveniently washed the clothes and hung them in his room health before he got to bed.
I haven’t done so many things for a long time. In my memory, I still can’t urinate or defecate. In that year, I washed a lot of diapers and diapers every night.
Actually, I’m very tired, but Meng Xin didn’t fall asleep until she lay down for a long time, and she didn’t know what was going on in her head. If she hadn’t set an alarm clock every morning and relied solely on Meng Xin’s biological clock, Hengheng would be late for school today.
Meng Xin went out after washing and dressing. Heng Heng was dressed and sat at the table for breakfast. Did she wear it or did she buy him clothes? It should not be dry last night.
Meng Haidong bought steamed buns, porridge and soybean milk fritters. When Meng Xin came out, he hurried out. "Meng Xin went to my class."
"Grandpa, slow down." Meng Xin nodded. Heng Heng told him in a mouthful.
Meng Xin lovingly touched Hengheng’s head and sat opposite him. "Hengheng’s mother was in a bad mood last night. Don’t care about her, okay?"
Meng Xin remember yesterday that a face of injustice is hard to blame yourself.
"Well, no, my grandmother told me before that my mother couldn’t help herself for a few days every month, and she didn’t understand Heng Heng." Heng Heng was sensible and nodded and understood.
"…" Meng Xin petrified there on the spot, and her mother actually said these things to a child. Is she really a grandmother like this?
"Oh, by the way, grandma said, is your period coming or already?" Heng Heng looked at Meng Xin with a pair of bright eyes. It was not good for him and his father yesterday.
It should be like this. When I see my father at the weekend, he will ask him if he is angry with his mother. If so, he will explain it to him so that he will not be angry.
Grandma also said that men should let women have annoying periods because of women and men don’t.
"…" Meng Xin wanted to scream. When grandma said it, she was ashamed of her mother. "Do you want to eat yesterday’s cake? Mom helps you with it? "
"No, I’ll eat with grandma when she comes back." Hengheng directly shook his head and refused. "Mom, please sit down and have breakfast. It’s twenty minutes’ walk. Don’t be late."
He is a class cadre. He should go to kindergarten earlier than others to set an example. He should not enter the park on time before nine o’clock, but he should be less than others. His rush time is forty minutes before twenty minutes.
Usually he arrives at half past ten, and now he has ordered his grandfather’s class, but now his mother hasn’t had breakfast.
Meng Xin hurriedly sat down for breakfast. She ate the leftover steamed buns, ate half fried dough sticks and drank some soy milk. When she didn’t have time to wash the dishes, she put these bowls in the sink and went out with Hengheng.
Today, Heng Heng arrived at school at 40: 00, complaining slightly that Meng Xin quickly courted him, and Heng Heng didn’t have time to take a reason. After waving goodbye to her, she quickly ran into the kindergarten.
Before going home, Meng Xin went to the vegetable market to buy some later to steam ribs, and also bought half of the duck for dinner. He planned to stew duck soup for Hengheng.
At noon, she and Meng Haidong bought some meat at will, some green peppers and some vegetables. When she passed by the fruit stand, she bought some seasonal fruits and was ready to go back.
At the gate of the hospital, I met Min Mengjie and Wang Yang as if they had just woken up. It’s a little after 9: 00. Alas, it’s really happy to have no children.
"Meng Xin you have bought good food? My mother-in-law knows that it’s time to talk about me again. "Min Mengjie rubbed a pair of sleepy eyes and yawned.
She got up too early today. She hasn’t woken up yet. Yesterday, she was chased by her mother-in-law and came back to OL for a nutritious dinner. As a result, she was forced to stay at home to sleep, which caused her to get up so early and know that she would not stay for the night. It’s strange that she is on vacation again today and can’t sleep until noon.
Mother-in-law dislikes her irregular rest time, but she wants to do it regularly. Didn’t she go on a business trip with the leader last week without Wang Yang, and then the weekend vacation was taken up. The leader made up for Monday and Tuesday and gave her two days off, which coincided with Wang Yang’s vacation today. Of course, she intends to have a good sleep with her husband.
As a result, all the plans were upset by her mother-in-law. It’s really
"Aunt is very nice. You can’t find the second one with lanterns. Cherish it." Meng Xin shook his head and said that people are not satisfied with not meeting a good mother-in-law and women complaining. Even if they can meet, they will still complain.
"Is it quite a good mother-in-law? I won’t give you a hum if you want it-"Min Mengjie was so proud and charming that Wang Yang couldn’t resist touching her gently with her elbow.
"Why? Tell me about your godson’s mother. Are you unhappy? " Min Mengjie deliberately looked at Wang Yanghong with eyebrows and green eyes.
Wang Yang simply don’t provoke her. Isn’t this saying that you can’t afford to hide if you are not to be taunted?


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